Whew! I can finally talk about something I’ve had to keep quiet about for awhile now. It’s no secret that the City is cutting back on some of their offerings due to budgetary reasons (Like the fireworks with the Grant Park Symphony playing the 1812 Overture? Not tomorrow, not this year anyway). And one of the casualties of the budget wars this year is Venetian night, which would have been Saturday, July 31st. But who says we have to have the city to have Venetian night anyway, right?
So The Local Tourist and Free Spirit Yacht Cruises have teamed up to present Bringing Back Venetian Night and Jim & Tim will be aboard The Free Spirit providing the live music for the entire cruise! Man, I’m excited, this is going to be a ton of fun. So here are the details:
The cruise is from 8:00 – 11:00pm on Saturday, July 31st. There will be an Italian Buffet meal, an Open Bar and we’ll be sailing to watch the fireworks at Navy Pier from the water! The cost is $99 per person with everything I’ve just talked about included.
Come and join us and a lot of fun people by buying your tickets for !