Republished with permission from With A Voice Like This
I am NOT a Medical Doctor.
Who I am is a professional singer with a Masters Degree in Vocal Pedagogy (Teaching Voice) and over 25 years of professional performance experience.
Having said that, I’m currently in my busiest time of year as a singer. Which means that I’m pushing myself as hard as possible. And that means I’m concentrating on taking care of myself and my voice to make sure that I perform to the best of my ability.
That includes a lot of things that I have learned over the years through training and experience that I can pass on as tips to you. So I’m starting this series – Keeping Vocally Fit. I’ll try to keep them short and I can’t guarantee a set schedule for posting them, but they’ll be here.
These tips aren’t meant to take the place of advice from a Medical Professional, if you need to see a medical doctor, see one!
First up: Phlegm is Your Friend!