Well, the biggest reason is because I’m off being a crazy caroling madman with the Merry Maskers and performing in the show A White Christmas Holiday Revue. That’s because that’s what is most requested at this time of year.
And we love that. We love the time of year and we love the music too.
That doesn’t mean we stop making music. Far from it. We understand that there are many events and parties that aren’t holiday related. You know we’re there for those whenever and wherever they may be. And we’ll even do a holiday song or two when they’re wanted/requested by popular demand.
It just means that in December you’re less likely to see something like this in your Twitter stream:
[blackbirdpie url=”http://twitter.com/theresalc/status/105351271925559296″]
Just keep watching, these will start popping up again very soon and we’ll be having a great time doing what we do best. Singing for you.
Happy Holidays from Jim & Tim.
Photo Credit: mikecogh